List of Funds & Trusts

Caldwell U.S. Dividend Advantage Fund (UDA.UN)
Caldwell U.S. Dividend Advantage Fund - ETF (UDA)
Calpine Natural Gas Trust
Can-Financials Income Corp. (FIC)
Canadian 50 Advantaged Preferred Share Fund - Class A (CPF.UN)
Canadian 50 Advantaged Preferred Share Fund - Class F
Canadian Apartment Properties REIT (CAR.UN)
Canadian Banc Capital Securities Trust - Class A (CSB.UN)
Canadian Banc Capital Securities Trust - Class F
Canadian Banc Corp. (Class A Capital Shares) BK
Canadian Banc Corp. (Preferred Shares) BK.PR.A
Canadian Convertibles Plus Fund (CCI.UN)
Canadian Energy Convertible Debenture Fund
Canadian Helicopters Group Inc.
Canadian High Income Equity Fund (CIQ.UN)
Canadian Investment Grade Preferred Share Fund - Class A
Canadian Investment Grade Preferred Share Fund - Class T (RIGP.UN)
Canadian Large Cap Leaders Split Corp - Preferred Shares (NPS.PR.A)
Canadian Large Cap Leaders Split Corp. - Class A (NPS)
Canadian Life Companies Split Corp. (Class A Shares) LFE
Canadian Life Companies Split Corp. (Preferred Shares) LFE.PR.B
Canadian Natural Gas Index ETF (GAS)
Canadian Net REIT (NET.UN)
Canadian Oil Sands Limited
Canadian Preferred Share Trust - Class A (PFT.UN)
Canadian Preferred Share Trust - Class F
Canadian Premium Select Income Fund (HCS.UN)
Canadian Real Estate Investment Trust (REF.UN)
Canadian REIT Income Fund (RIU.UN)
Canadian Utilities & Telecom Income Fund (UTE.UN)
CanBanc 8 Income Corp. (CBF)
Canetic Resources Trust
Canexus Corporation
Canfor Pulp Products Inc.
Canmarc REIT
Canoe 'Go Canada' Income Fund
Canoe Canadian Diversified Income Fund (ODI.UN)
Canoe EIT Income Fund (EIT.UN)
Canoe EIT Income Fund - Class A Preferred Shares (EIT.PR.A)
Canoe EIT Income Fund - Class B Preferred Shares (EIT.PR.B)
Canoe Strategic Resources Income Fund
Canoe U.S. Strategic Yield Advantaged Fund (Class A)
Canoe U.S. Strategic Yield Advantaged Fund (Class U)
Canso Credit Income Fund (Class A) PBY.UN
Canso Credit Income Fund (Class F)
CanWel Holdings Corp.
Capital Gains Income STREAMS (Capital Yield) to Div 15 Cl A
Capital Gains Income STREAMS (Capital Yield) to Div 15 Pref
Capital Gains Income STREAMS (Equity Dividend) to Div 15 Cl A
Capital Gains Income STREAMS (Equity Dividend) to Div 15 Pref
Capital Group Global Equity Select ETF (Canada) CAPG
Capital Group International Equity Select ETF (Canada) CAPI
Capital Group Multi-Sector Income Select ETF (Canada) CAPM
Capital Group World Bond Select ETF (Canada) CAPW
Carfinco Income Fund
Cargojet Inc. (Cargojet Income Fund)
Cathedral Energy Services Ltd. (Cathedral Energy Serv Inc Tst)
Charterhouse Preferred Share Index Corporation
Chartwell Retirement Residences REIT (CSH.UN)
Chemtrade Logistics Income Fund (CHE.UN)
Chesswood Group Limited (Chesswood Income Fund)
Choice Properties REIT (CHP.UN)
Chorus Aviation Inc (Jazz Air Income Fund)
CI 1-5 Year Laddered Government Strip Bond Index ETF - Common (BXF)
CI Active Canadian Dividend ETF - Common (FDV)
CI Active Credit ETF (US Dollars) - Common (FAO.U)
CI Active Credit ETF - Common (FAO)
CI Active Utility & Infrastructure ETF - Common (FAI)
CI Alternative Diversified Opportunities Fund ETF - C$ Series (CMDO)
CI Alternative Diversified Opportunities Fund ETF - US$ Hedged (CMDO.U)
CI Alternative Investment Grade Credit Fund ETF C$ (CRED)
CI Alternative Investment Grade Credit Fund ETF US$ Hedged (CRED.U)
CI Alternative North American Opportunities Fund ETF - C$ Series (CNAO)
CI Alternative North American Opportunities Fund ETF - US$ Hedged (CNAO.U)
CI Auspice Broad Commodity ETF (CCOM)
CI Balanced Growth Asset Allocation ETF (CBGR)
CI Balanced Assets Allocation ETF (CBAL)
CI Balanced Income Asset Allocation ETF (CBIN)
CI Bio-Revolution Index ETF (CDNA)
CI Blockchain Index ETF (CBCX)
CI Canada Quality Dividend Growth Index ETF - Non-Hedged (DGRC) form. CI WisdomTree Canada Quality Dividend Growth Index ETF
CI Canadian Aggregate Bond Index ETF (CAGG) formerly CI Yield Enhanced Canada Aggregate Bond Index ETF
CI Canadian Banks Income Class ETF (CIC)
CI Canadian Convertible Bond ETF - Common (CXF)
CI Canadian Equity Index ETF - Unhedged Common Units (CCDN)
CI Canadian REIT ETF - Common Class (RIT)
CI Canadian Short-Term Aggregated Bond Index ETF (CAGS) form. CI Yield Enhanced Canada Short-Term Aggregate Bond Index (CAGS)
CI Conservative Asset Allocation ETF (CCNV)
CI Core Canadian Equity Income Class ETF (CSY)
CI Digital Security Index ETF (CBUG)
CI DoubleLine Core Plus Fixed Income US$ Fund ETF - (CCOR.U)
CI DoubleLine Core Plus Fixed Income US$ Fund ETF - C$ Hedged (CCOR)
CI DoubleLine Core Plus Fixed Income US$ Fund ETF - C$ Unhedged (CCOR.B)
CI DoubleLine Income US$ Fund ETF - (CINC.U)
CI DoubleLine Income US$ Fund ETF - C$ Hedged (CINC)
CI DoubleLine Income US$ Fund ETF - C$ Unhedged (CINC.B)
CI DoubleLine Total Return Bond US$ Fund ETF (CDLB.U)
CI DoubleLine Total Return Bond US$ Fund ETF - C$ Hedged (CDLB)
CI DoubleLine Total Return Bond US$ Fund ETF - C$ Unhedged (CDLB.B)
CI Emerging Markets Alpha ETF - C$ Series (CIEM)
CI Emerging Markets Alpha ETF - US$ Hedged (CIEM.U)
CI Emerging Markets Dividend Index ETF (EMV.B) formerly CI WisdomTree Emerging Markets Dividend Index ETF (EMV.B)
CI Energy Giants Covered Call ETF (CAD Hedged) - Common (NXF)
CI Energy Giants Covered Call ETF (Unhedged) - Common (NXF.B)
CI Energy Giants Covered Call ETF - Hedged US$ (NXF.U)
CI Enhanced Government Bond ETF (US Dollars) - Common (FGO.U)
CI Enhanced Government Bond ETF - Common (FGO)
CI Enhanced Short Duration Bond ETF (FSB)
CI Enhanced Short Duration Bond ETF (US Dollars) FSB.U
CI Equity Asset Allocation ETF (CEQT)
CI Europe Hedged Equity Index ETF (Unhedged) EHE.B (formerly CI WisdomTree Europe Hedged Equity Index ETF (Unhedged) EHE.B)
CI Europe Hedged Equity Index ETF Hedged (EHE) formerly CI WisdomTree Europe Hedged Equity Index ETF Hedged (EHE)
CI Financial Corporation
CI First Asset Can-Materials Covered Call ETF - Common (MXF) Go to: CI First Asset Gold+ Covered Call ETF (CGXF)
CI First Asset Canadian Buyback Index ETF (FBE)
CI First Asset Core Canadian Equity ETF - Common (CED)
CI First Asset Core US Equity ETF (CAD Hedged) - Common (CES)
CI First Asset Core US Equity ETF (Unhedged) - Common (CES.B)
CI First Asset Core US Equity ETF (US Dollars) - Common (CES.U)
CI First Asset European Bank ETF - Common (FHB)
CI First Asset Long Duration Fixed Income ETF - Common (FLB)
CI First Asset Morningstar Canada Dividend Target 30 Index ETF - Common (DXM)
CI First Asset Morningstar US Dividend Target 50 Index ETF (CAD Hedged) - Common (UXM)
CI First Asset Morningstar US Dividend Target 50 Index ETF (Unhedged) - Common (UXM.B)
CI First Asset U.S. Buyback Index ETF (CAD Hedged) FBU
CI First Asset U.S. Tactical Sector Allocation Index ETF (CAD Hedged) FUT
CI Floating Rate Income Fund ETF (CFRT)
CI Galaxy Multi-Crypto ETF - CAD Unhedged (CMCX.B)
CI Galaxy Multi-Crypto ETF - USD Series (CMCX.U)
CI Global Asset Allocation Private Pool ETF - C$ Series (CGAA)
CI Global Bond Currency Neutral Fund ETF (CGBN)
CI Global Climate Leaders Fund ETF - CAD (CLML)
CI Global Climate Leaders Fund ETF - US$ Hedged (CLML.U)
CI Global Financial Sector ETF - Common (FSF)
CI Global Green Bond Fund ETF (CGRB)
CI Global Green Bond Fund ETF - USD Hedged (CGRB.U)
CI Global Healthcare Leaders Index ETF - Unhedged Common Units (CHCL.B)
CI Global High Yield Credit Private Pool ETF (CGHY)
CI Global High Yield Credit Private Pool ETF - USD Hedged (CGHY.U)
CI Global Infrastructure Private Pool ETF (CINF)
CI Global Investment Grade ETF (CGIN)
CI Global Investment Grade ETF - USD Hedged (CGIN.U)
CI Global Longevity Economy Fund C$ ETF (LONG)
CI Global Minimum Downside Volatility Index ETF - Hedged (CGDV)
CI Global Minimum Downside Volatility Index ETF - Unhedged (CGDV.B)
CI Global Quality Dividend Growth Index ETF - Non-Hedged (CGQD.B)
CI Global Real Asset Private Pool ETF (CGRA)
CI Global REIT Private Pool ETF (CGRE)
CI Global Short-Term Bond Fund ETF (CGSB)
CI Global Sustainable Infrastructure Fund ETF (CGRN)
CI Global Sustainable Infrastructure Fund ETF - USD Hedged (CGRN.U)
CI Global Unconstrained Bond Fund (CUBD)
CI Gold Bullion Fund ETF - CAD Hedged (VALT)
CI Gold Bullion Fund ETF - Unhedged (VALT.B)
CI Gold Bullion Fund ETF - USD (VALT.U)
CI Gold+ Giants Covered Call ETF (CGXF)
CI Gold+ Giants Covered Call ETF - Hedged USD (CGXF.U)
CI Growth Asset Allocation ETF (CGRO)
CI Health Care Giants Covered Call (Unhedged) ETF (FHI.B)
CI Health Care Giants Covered Call ETF (CAD Hedged) - Common (FHI)
CI Health Care Giants Covered Call ETF - Hedged USD (FHI.U)
CI High Interest Savings ETF - Common (CSAV)
CI ICBCCS S&P China 500 Index ETF Unhedged (CHNA.B)
CI International Quality Dividend Growth Index ETF (IQD) form. CI WisdomTree International Quality Dividend Growth Index ETF
CI International Quality Dividend Growth Index ETF - Unhedged (IQD.B) form. CI WisdomTree Int'l Quality Dividend Growth Index
CI Investment Grade Bond ETF (FIG)
CI Investment Grade Bond ETF (US Dollars) - Common (FIG.U)
CI Japan Equity Index ETF - Hedged (JAPN) formerly CI WisdomTree Japan Equity Index ETF - Hedged (JAPN)
CI Japan Equity Index ETF - Unhedged (JAPN.B) formerly CI WisdomTree Japan Equity Index ETF - Unhedged (JAPN.B)
CI Marret Alternative Absolute Return Bond Fund ETF C$ (CMAR)
CI Marret Alternative Absolute Return Bond Fund ETF US$ Hedged (CMAR.U)
CI Marret Alternative Enhanced Yield Fund C$ ETF (CMEY)
CI Marret Alternative Enhanced Yield Fund US$ Hedged ETF (CMEY.U)
CI Metaverse Index ETF (CMVX)
CI Money Market ETF (CMNY)
CI Morningstar Canada Momentum Index ETF - Common (WXM)
CI Morningstar Canada Value Index ETF - Common (FXM)
CI Morningstar International Momentum Index ETF (CAD Hedged) - Common (ZXM)
CI Morningstar International Momentum Index ETF (Unhedged) - Common (ZXM.B)
CI Morningstar International Value Index ETF (CAD Hedged) - Common (VXM)
CI Morningstar International Value Index ETF (Unhedged) - Common (VXM.B)
CI Morningstar National Bank Quebec Index ETF - Common (QXM)
CI Morningstar US Momentum Index ETF (CAD Hedged) - Common (YXM)
CI Morningstar US Momentum Index ETF (Unhedged) - Common (YXM.B)
CI Morningstar US Value Index ETF (CAD Hedged) - Common (XXM)
CI Morningstar US Value Index ETF (Unhedged) - Common (XXM.B)
CI MSCI Canada Low Risk Weighted ETF - Common (RWC)
CI MSCI Canada Quality Index Class ETF (FQC)
CI MSCI Europe Low Risk Weighted ETF (CAD Hedged) - Common (RWE)
CI MSCI Europe Low Risk Weighted ETF (Unhedged) - Common (RWE.B)
CI MSCI International Low Risk Weighted ETF (CAD Hedged) RWX
CI MSCI International Low Risk Weighted ETF (Unhedged) RWX.B
CI MSCI USA Low Risk Weighted ETF (CAD Hedged) - Common (RWU)
CI MSCI USA Low Risk Weighted ETF (Unhedged) - Common (RWU.B)
CI MSCI World ESG Impact Index ETF (Unhedged) - Common (CESG.B)
CI MSCI World ESG Impact Index ETF - Common (CESG)
CI MSCI World Low Risk Weighted ETF (CAD Hedged) - Common (RWW)
CI MSCI World Low Risk Weighted ETF (Unhedged) - Common (RWW.B)
CI Munro Alternative Global Growth Fund ETF - C$ Series (CMAG)
CI Munro Alternative Global Growth Fund ETF - US$ Hedged (CMAG.U)
CI Munro Global Growth Equity Fund ETF - C$ Series (CMGG)
CI Munro Global Growth Equity Fund ETF - US$ Hedged (CMGG.U)
CI ONE Global Equity ETF (ONEQ)
CI ONE North American Core Plus Bond ETF (ONEB)
CI Preferred Share ETF (FPR)
CI Short Term Government Bond Index Class ETF (FGB)
CI Tech Giants Covered Call ETF (Unhedged) - Common (TXF.B)
CI Tech Giants Covered Call ETF - Common (TXF)
CI Tech Giants Covered Call ETF - Hedged US$ (TXF.U)
CI U.S. & Canada Lifeco Income ETF - Common (FLI)
CI U.S. 1000 Index ETF -Unhedged Common Units (CUSM.B)
CI U.S. 500 Index ETF (CUSA)
CI U.S. 500 Index ETF - Unhedged Common Units (CUSA.B)
CI U.S. Aggregate Bond Covered Call ETF - Hedged (CCBD)
CI U.S. Enhanced Momentum Index ETF - Hedged (CMOM)
CI U.S. Enhanced Momentum Index ETF - Unhedged (CMOM.B)
CI U.S. Enhanced Value Index ETF - Hedged (CVLU)
CI U.S. Enhanced Value Index ETF - Unhedged (CVLU.B)
CI U.S. Midcap Dividend Index ETF - Hedged (UMI) formerly CI WisdomTree U.S. MidCap Dividend Index ETF (Hedged to CAD) (UMI)
CI U.S. Midcap Dividend Index ETF - Non-Hedged (UMI.B) formerly CI WisdomTree U.S. MidCap Dividend Index ETF (Unhedged) (UMI.B)
CI U.S. Minimum Downside Volatility Index ETF - Hedged (CUDV)
CI U.S. Minimum Downside Volatility Index ETF - Unhedged (CUDV.B)
CI U.S. Quality Dividend Growth Index ETF - Hedged (DGR) form. CI WisdomTree U.S. Quality Dividend Growth Index ETF
CI U.S. Quality Dividend Growth Index ETF - Non-Hedged (DGR.B) formerly CI WisdomTree U.S. Quality Dividend Growth Index ETF
CI U.S. Quality Dividend Growth Index ETF - US$ (DGR.U)
CI U.S. Treasury Inflation-Linked Bond Index ETF - Common Units (CTIP)
CI U.S. TrendLeaders Index ETF - Common (SID)
CI US Money Market ETF (UMNY.U)
CI Utilities Giants Covered Call ETF - Hedged (CUTL)
CI Utilities Giants Covered Call ETF - Unhedged (CUTL.B)
CI WisdomTree Canada Quality Dividend Growth Index ETF (DGRC) Go to: CI Canada Quality Dividend Growth Index ETF (DGRC)
CI WisdomTree Emerging Markets Dividend Index ETF (EMV.B) Go to: CI Emerging Markets Dividend Index ETF (EMV.B)
CI WisdomTree Europe Hedged Equity Index ETF Unhedged (EHE) Go to: CI Europe Hedged Equity Index ETF - Hedged Units (EHE)
CI WisdomTree Europe Hedged Equity Index ETF (EHE.B) Go to: CI Europe Hedged Equity Index ETF - Non-Hedged Units (EHE.B)
CI WisdomTree Int'l Quality Dividend Growth Index ETF (IQD) Go to: CI International Quality Dividend Growth Index ETF (IQD)
CI WisdomTree Int'l Quality Dividend Growth Index ETF - Unhedged (IQD.B) Go to: CI Int'l Quality Dividend Growth Index (IQD.B)
CI WisdomTree International Quality Dividend Growth Variably Hedged Index ETF (DQI)
CI WisdomTree Japan Equity Index ETF - Hedged (JAPN) Go to: CI Japan Equity Index ETF - Hedged (JAPN)
CI WisdomTree Japan Equity Index ETF - Non-Hedged (JAPN.B) Go to: CI Japan Equity Index ETF - Non-Hedged (JAPN.B)
CI WisdomTree U.S. Midcap Dividend Index ETF (UMI) Go to: CI U.S. Midcap Dividend Index ETF - Hedged (UMI)
CI WisdomTree U.S. Midcap Dividend Index ETF (UMI.B) Go to: CI U.S. Midcap Dividend Index ETF - Non-Hedged (UMI.B)
CI WisdomTree U.S. Quality Dividend Growth Index ETF (DGR) Go to: CI U.S. Quality Dividend Growth Index ETF - Hedged (DGR)
CI WisdomTree U.S. Quality Dividend Growth Variably Hedged Index ETF (DQD)
CI Yield Enhanced Canada Aggregate Bond Index ETF (CAGG) Go to: CI Canadian Aggregate Bond Index ETF (CAGG)
CI Yield Enhanced Canada Short-Term Aggregate Bond Index ETF (CAGS) Go to: CI Canadian Short-Term Aggregate Bond Index (CAGS)
CIBC 2025 Investment Grade Bond Fund ETF (CTBA)
CIBC 2025 U.S. Investment Grade Bond Fund ETF (CTUC.U)
CIBC 2026 Investment Grade Bond Fund ETF (CTBB)
CIBC 2026 U.S. Investment Grade Bond Fund ETF (CTUD.U)
CIBC 2027 Investment Grade Bond Fund ETF (CTBC)
CIBC 2027 U.S. Investment Grade Bond Fund ETF (CTUE.U)
CIBC 2028 Investment Grade Bond Fund ETF (CTBD)
CIBC 2029 Investment Grade Bond Fund ETF (CTBE)
CIBC 2030 Investment Grade Bond Fund ETF (CTBF)
CIBC Active Investment Grade Corporate Bond ETF (CACB)
CIBC Active Investment Grade Floating Rate Bond ETF (CAFR)
CIBC Canadian Bond Index ETF (CCBI)
CIBC Canadian Equity Index ETF (CCEI)
CIBC Canadian Short-Term Bond Index ETF (CSBI)
CIBC Clean Energy Index ETF (CCLN)
CIBC Conservative Fixed Income Pool (CCNS)
CIBC Core Fixed Income Pool (CCRE)
CIBC Core Plus Fixed Income Pool (CPLS)
CIBC Emerging Markets Equity Index ETF (CEMI)
CIBC Flexible Yield ETF - CAD Hedged (CFLX)
CIBC Global Bond ex-Canada Index ETF (CAD-Hedged) CGBI
CIBC Global Growth ETF (CGLO)
CIBC International Equity ETF (CINT)
CIBC International Equity Index ETF (CAD-Hedged) CIEH
CIBC International Equity Index ETF (CIEI)
CIBC Multifactor Canadian Equity ETF (CMCE)
CIBC Multifactor U.S. Equity ETF (CMUE)
CIBC Multifactor U.S. Equity ETF Hedged (CMUE.F)
CIBC Qx Canadian Low Volatility Dividend ETF (CQLC)
CIBC Qx International Low Volatility Dividend ETF (CQLI)
CIBC Qx U.S. Low Volatility Dividend ETF (CQLU)
CIBC Sustainable Balanced Growth Solution (CSBG)
CIBC Sustainable Balanced Solution ETF (CSBA)
CIBC Sustainable Canadian Core Plus Bond Fund (CSCP)
CIBC Sustainable Canadian Equity Fund (CSCE)
CIBC Sustainable Conservative Balanced Solution ETF (CSCB)
CIBC Sustainable Global Equity Fund (CSGE)
CIBC U.S. Equity Index ETF (CAD-Hedged) CUEH
CIBC U.S. Equity Index ETF (CUEI)
Cineplex Inc.
Citadel Income & Growth Fund
Citadel Income Fund (CTF.UN)
Citadel Multi-Sector Income Fund
Claymore (Go to: iShares )
Claymore Canadian Fundamental 100 Monthly Income ETF - (RFI)
Clean Power Income Fund
Clearwater Seafoods Incorporated
CML Healthcare Inc. (CML Healthcare Income Fund)
Coast Inc. (Coast Wholesale Appliances Income Fund)
Colabor Group Inc. (Colabor Income Fund)
Cominar REIT (CUF.UN)
Commercial and Industrial Securites Income Trust
COMPASS Income Fund
Connor, Clark & Lunn Conservative Income & Growth Fund
Connor, Clark & Lunn Financial Opportunities Fund - Class A
Connor, Clark & Lunn Financial Opportunities Fund - Class F
Contrans Group Inc.
Convertible Debentures Income Fund (OCV.UN)
Core Canadian Dividend Trust (CDD.UN)
CORE IncomePlus Fund
CPL Long Term Care REIT
Crescent Point Energy Corp.
Criterion Dow Jones - AIG Commodity Index Fund
Crius Energy Trust (KWH.UN)
Crombie REIT (CRR.UN)
Crown Hill Dividend Fund
CT Real Estate Investment Trust (CRT.UN)

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