List of Funds & Trusts

E Split Corp - Class A Shares (ENS)
E Split Corp - Preferred Shares (ENS.PR.A)
E.D. Smith Income Fund
Eagle Energy Inc.
East Coast Investment Grade Income Fund (ECF.UN)
Emerge ARK AI & Big Data ETF (EAAI)
Emerge ARK AI & Big Data ETF (USD) EAAI.U
Emerge ARK Autonomous Tech & Robotics ETF (EAUT)
Emerge ARK Autonomous Tech & Robotics ETF (USD) EAUT.U
Emerge ARK Fintech Innovation ETF (EAFT)
Emerge ARK Fintech Innovation ETF (USD) EAFT.U
Emerge ARK Genomics & Biotech ETF (EAGB)
Emerge ARK Genomics & Biotech ETF (USD) EAGB.U
Emerge ARK Global Disruptive Innovation ETF (EARK)
Emerge ARK Global Disruptive Innovation ETF (USD) EARK.U
Emerge ARK Space Exploration ETF (EAXP)
Emerge ARK Space Exploration ETF - USD (EAXP.U)
Emerge EMPWR Sustainable Dividend Equity ETF (EPCA)
Emerge EMPWR Sustainable Dividend Equity ETF - USD (EPCA.U)
Emerge EMPWR Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity ETF (EPCH)
Emerge EMPWR Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity ETF - USD (EPCH.U)
Emerge EMPWR Sustainable Global Core Equity ETF (EPZA)
Emerge EMPWR Sustainable Global Core Equity ETF - USD (EPZA.U)
Emerge EMPWR Sustainable Select Growth Equity ETF (EPGC)
Emerge EMPWR Sustainable Select Growth Equity ETF -USD (EPGC.U)
Emerge EMPWR Unified Sustainable Equity ETF (EPWR)
Emerge EMPWR Unified Sustainable Equity ETF - USD (EPWR.U)
Enbridge Income Fund Holdings Inc.
Enercare Inc.
Energy Credit Opportunities Income Fund - Class A (PCF.UN)
Energy Credit Opportunities Income Fund - Class U (PCF.U)
Energy Income Fund (ENI.UN)
EnerMark Income Fund
Enerplus Corporation
Enerplus Resources Fund - Series A
Enerplus Resources Fund - Series B
Enerplus Resources Fund - Series C
Enerplus Resources Fund - Series D
Equal Energy Ltd. (Enterra Energy Trust)
Esprit Energy Trust
Essential Energy Services Ltd.
Ether ETF (ETHR)
Ether ETF (U.S.Dollar units) ETHR.U
Ether Fund (The) QETH/QETH.U
Euro Banc Capital Securities Trust (EBT.UN)
European Focused Dividend Fund (EF.UN)
European Residential Real Estate Investment Trust (ERE.UN)
European Strategic Balanced Fund (EBF.UN)
Evermore Retirement 2025 ETF (ERCV)
Evermore Retirement 2030 ETF (ERDO)
Evermore Retirement 2035 ETF (ERDV)
Evermore Retirement 2040 ETF (EREO)
Evermore Retirement 2045 ETF (EREV)
Evermore Retirement 2050 ETF (ERFO)
Evermore Retirement 2055 ETF (ERFV)
Evermore Retirement 2060 ETF (ERGO)
Evolve Active Canadian Preferred Share Fund (DIVS)
Evolve Active Core Fixed Income Fund (FIXD)
Evolve Active Global Fixed Income Fund (EARN)
Evolve Active Short Duration Bond Fund (Unhedged) TIME.B
Evolve Automobile Innovation Index Fund (Hedged) CARS
Evolve Automobile Innovation Index Fund (Unhedged) CARS.B
Evolve Automobile Innovation Index Fund (US Dollars) CARS.U
Evolve Canadian Aggregate Bond Enhanced Yield Fund (AGG)
Evolve Canadian Banks and Lifecos Enhanced Yield Index Fund (BANK)
Evolve Canadian Utilities Enhanced Yield Index Fund (UTES)
Evolve Cloud Computing Index Fund (Hedged) DATA
Evolve Cloud Computing Index Fund (Unhedged) DATA.B
Evolve Cryptocurrencies ETF (ETC)
Evolve Cryptocurrencies ETF (US Dollars) ETC.U
Evolve Cyber Security Index Fund (Hedged) CYBR
Evolve Cyber Security Index Fund (Unhedged) CYBR.B
Evolve Cyber Security Index Fund (US Dollar units) CYBR.U
Evolve Dividend Stability Preferred Share Index ETF (PREF)
Evolve E-Gaming Index ETF (HERO)
Evolve Enhanced FANGMA Index ETF (Hedged) TECE
Evolve Enhanced FANGMA Index ETF (Unhedged) TECE.B
Evolve Enhanced FANGMA Index ETF (US Dollar units) TECE.U
Evolve Enhanced Yield Bond Fund (BOND)
Evolve Enhanced Yield Bond Fund ETF - Unhedged (BOND.B)
Evolve Enhanced Yield Bond Fund ETF -USD (BOND.U)
Evolve European Banks Enhanced Yield ETF (Hedged) EBNK
Evolve European Banks Enhanced Yield ETF (Unhedged) EBNK.B
Evolve European Banks Enhanced Yield ETF (US Dollar units) EBNK.U
Evolve FANGMA Index ETF (Hedged) TECH
Evolve FANGMA Index ETF (Unhedged) TECH.B
Evolve FANGMA Index ETF (US Dollar units) TECH.U
Evolve Future Leadership Fund (Hedged) LEAD
Evolve Future Leadership Fund (Unhedged) LEAD.B
Evolve Future Leadership Fund (US Dollar units) LEAD.U
Evolve Global Healthcare Enhanced Yield Fund (Hedged) LIFE
Evolve Global Healthcare Enhanced Yield Fund (Unhedged) LIFE.B
Evolve Global Healthcare Enhanced Yield Fund (US Dollar units) LIFE.U
Evolve Global Materials & Mining Enhanced Yield Index ETF (Hedged) BASE
Evolve Global Materials & Mining Enhanced Yield Index ETF (Unhedged) BASE.B
Evolve Gold Miners Fund ETF (GLC)
Evolve Innovation Index Fund (EDGE)
Evolve Innovation Index Fund (US Dollar units) EDGE.U
Evolve Marijuana Fund (SEED)
Evolve Metaverse ETF (MESH)
Evolve NASDAQ Technology Enhanced Yield Index Fund (Hedged) QQQY
Evolve NASDAQ Technology Index Fund (Hedged) QQQT
Evolve NASDAQ Technology Index Fund (Unhedged) QQQT.B
Evolve NASDAQ Technology Index Fund (US Dollar Units) QQQT.U
Evolve North American Gender Diversity Index Fund (Hedged) HERS
Evolve North American Gender Diversity Index Fund (Unhedged) HERS.B
Evolve S&P 500 CleanBeta Fund (Hedged) FIVE
Evolve S&P 500 CleanBeta Fund (Unhedged) FIVE.B
Evolve S&P 500 CleanBeta Fund (US Dollar Units) FIVE.U
Evolve S&P 500 Enhanced Yield Fund (Hedged) ESPX
Evolve S&P 500 Enhanced Yield Fund (Unhedged) ESPX.B
Evolve S&P 500 Enhanced Yield Fund (US Dollar Units) ESPX.U
Evolve S&P/TSX 60 CleanBeta Fund (SIXT)
Evolve S&P/TSX 60 Enhanced Yield Fund (ETSX)
Evolve Slate Global Real Estate Enhanced Yield Fund (BILT)
Evolve U.S. Marijuana ETF (USMJ)
Evolve US Banks Enhanced Yield Fund (Hedged) CALL
Evolve US Banks Enhanced Yield Fund (Unhedged) CALL.B
Evolve US Banks Enhanced Yield Fund (US Dollar units) CALL.U
Evovest Global Equity ETF (EVO)
Excel Latin America Bond Fund (Class A) ELA.UN
Excel Latin America Bond Fund II - Class A (ELB.UN)
Excel Latin America Bond Fund II - Class F
Excel Latin America Bond Fund II - Class U
Exchange Industrial Corporation
Exemplar Growth & Income Fund (EGIF)
Exemplar Investment Grade Fund (CORP)
Extendicare REIT

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