List of Funds & Trusts

M Split Corp. (Capital Shares) XMF.A
M Split Corp. (Class A Shares)
M Split Corp. (Class I Preferred Shares) XMF.PR.B
M Split Corp. (Class II Preferred Shares) XMF.PR.C
M Split Corp. (Priority Equity Shares)
Mackenzie All-Equity Allocation ETF (MEQT)
Mackenzie Balanced Allocation ETF (MBAL)
Mackenzie Canadian Aggregate Bond Index ETF (QBB)
Mackenzie Canadian All Corporate Bond Index ETF (QCB)
Mackenzie Canadian Equity Index ETF (QCN)
Mackenzie Canadian Government Long-Bond Index ETF (QLB)
Mackenzie Canadian Large Cap Equity Index ETF (QCE)
Mackenzie Canadian Low Volatility ETF (MCLV)
Mackenzie Canadian Short Term Bond Index ETF (QSB)
Mackenzie Canadian Short Term Fixed Income ETF (MCSB)
Mackenzie Canadian Ultra Short Bond Index ETF (QASH)
Mackenzie China A-Shares CSI 300 Index ETF (QCH)
Mackenzie Conservative Allocation ETF (MCON)
Mackenzie Core Plus Canadian Fixed Income ETF (MKB)
Mackenzie Core Plus Global Fixed Income ETF (MGB)
Mackenzie Corporate Knights Global 100 Index ETF (MCKG)
Mackenzie Developed ex-North America Aggregate Bond Index ETF (CAD-Hedged) QDXB
Mackenzie Developed Markets Real Estate Index ETF (QRET)
Mackenzie Emerging Markets Bond Index ETF (CAD-Hedged) QEBH
Mackenzie Emerging Markets Equity Index ETF (QEE)
Mackenzie Emerging Markets Local Currency Bond Index ETF (QEBL)
Mackenzie Floating Rate Income ETF (MFT)
Mackenzie Global Fixed Income Allocation ETF (MGAB)
Mackenzie Global High Yield Fixed Income ETF (MHYB)
Mackenzie Global Infrastructure Index ETF (QINF)
Mackenzie Global Sustainable Bond ETF (MGSB)
Mackenzie Global Sustainable Dividend Index ETF (MDVD)
Mackenzie Global Sustainable Dividend Index ETF - USD (MDVD.U)
Mackenzie Global Women's Leadership ETF (MWMN)
Mackenzie Growth Allocation ETF (MGRW)
Mackenzie International Equity Index ETF (CAD-Hedged) QDXH
Mackenzie International Equity Index ETF (QDX)
Mackenzie Ivy Global Equity ETF (MIVG)
Mackenzie Maximum Diversification All World Developed ex North American Index ETF (MXU)
Mackenzie Maximum Diversification All World Developed Index ETF (MWD)
Mackenzie Maximum Diversification Canada Index ETF (MKC)
Mackenzie Maximum Diversification Developed Europe Index ETF (MEU)
Mackenzie Maximum Diversification Emerging Markets Index ETF (MEE)
Mackenzie Maximum Diversification US Index ETF (MUS)
Mackenzie Portfolio Completion ETF (MPCF)
Mackenzie Unconstrained Bond ETF (MUB)
Mackenzie US Aggregate Bond Index ETF (CAD-Hedged) QUB
Mackenzie US Government Long Bond Index ETF (QTLT)
Mackenzie US High Yield Bond Index ETF (CAD-Hedged) QHY
Mackenzie US Investment Grade Corporate Bond Index ETF (CAD-Hedged) QUIG
Mackenzie US Large Cap Equity Index ETF (CAD-Hedged) QAH
Mackenzie US Large Cap Equity Index ETF (QUU)
Mackenzie US Large Cap Equity Index ETF (USD) - QUU.U
Mackenzie US TIPS Index ETF (CAD-Hedged) QTIP
Macquarie NexGen Global Infrastructure Corporation Class A
Macquarie Pwr & Infrastructure Corp (Macquarie Pwr & Infrastructure Inc. Fnd)
Manulife Alternative Opportunities Fund (OPPS)
Manulife Floating Rate Senior Loan Fund - Class A (MFR.UN)
Manulife Floating Rate Senior Loan Fund - Class U
Manulife Multifactor Canadian Large Cap Index ETF - Unhedged (MCLC)
Manulife Multifactor Canadian SMID Cap Index ETF - Unhedged (MCSM)
Manulife Multifactor Developed International Index ETF - Hedged (MINT)
Manulife Multifactor Developed International Index ETF - Unhedged (MINT.B)
Manulife Multifactor Emerging Markets Index ETF - Unhedged (MEME.B)
Manulife Multifactor U.S. Large Cap Index ETF - Hedged (MULC)
Manulife Multifactor U.S. Large Cap Index ETF - Unhedged (MULC.B)
Manulife Multifactor U.S. Mid Cap Index ETF - Hedged (MUMC)
Manulife Multifactor U.S. Mid Cap Index ETF - Unhedged (MUMC.B)
Manulife Multifactor U.S. Small Cap Index ETF - Hedged (MUSC)
Manulife Multifactor U.S. Small Cap Index ETF - Unhedged (MUSC.B)
Manulife Smart Core Bond ETF - Common Units (BSKT)
Manulife Smart Corporate Bond ETF - Common Units (CBND)
Manulife Smart Defensive Equity ETF - Common Units (CDEF)
Manulife Smart Dividend ETF - Common Units (CDIV)
Manulife Smart Enhanced Yield ETF (CYLD)
Manulife Smart Global Bond ETF - Common (GBND)
Manulife Smart Global Dividend ETF - Common (GDIV)
Manulife Smart International Defensive ETF - Unhedged (IDEF.B)
Manulife Smart International Dividend ETF - Unhedged (IDIV.B)
Manulife Smart Short Term Bond ETF - Common Units (TERM)
Manulife Smart U.S. Defensive Equity ETF - Hedged Units (UDEF)
Manulife Smart U.S. Defensive Equity ETF - Unhedged Units (UDEF.B)
Manulife Smart U.S. Defensive Equity ETF - USD (UDEF.U)
Manulife Smart U.S. Dividend ETF - Hedged Units (UDIV)
Manulife Smart U.S. Dividend ETF - Unhedged Units (UDIV.B)
Manulife Smart U.S. Dividend ETF - USD (UDIV.U)
Manulife Smart U.S. Enhanced Yield ETF - Hedged (UYLD)
Manulife Smart U.S. Enhanced Yield ETF - Unhedged (UYLD.B)
Manulife Smart U.S. Enhanced Yield ETF - USD Units (UYLD.U)
Manulife Strategic Income Fund (STRT)
Manulife Strategic Income Opportunities Fund
Manulife Strategic Income Plus Fund (PLUS)
Manulife U.S. Regional Bank Trust - Class A (MBK.UN)
Manulife U.S. Regional Bank Trust - Class U
Maplewood International Real Estate Investment Trust (MWI.UN)
Marret High Yield Strategies Fund (MHY.UN)
Marret Multi-Strategy Income Fund (MMF.UN) Class A
Marret Multi-Strategy Income Fund - Class F
Marwest Apartment Real Estate Investment Trust (MAR.UN)
MATRIX Income Fund
Mavrix Balanced Growth and Income Trust
MAXIN Income Fund
MBN Corporation (MBN)
Melcor Real Estate Investment Trust (MR.UN)
MG Dividend & Income Fund
Microsoft (MSFT) Yield Shares Purpose ETF (MSFY)
Middlefield American Core Dividend ETF (ACZ) Go to: Middlefield U.S. Equity Dividend ETF (MUSA)
Middlefield Can-Global REIT Income Fund (RCO.UN)
Middlefield EQUAL SECTOR Income Fund
Middlefield Global Real Asset Fund (RA.UN)
Middlefield Health & Wellness ETF (HWF)
Middlefield Healthcare & Life Sciences ETF (LS) Go to: Middlefield Healthcare Dividend ETF (MHCD)
Middlefield Healthcare Dividend ETF (MHCD) formerly Middlefield Healthcare & Life Sciences ETF (LS)
Middlefield Income Plus II Corp. (MIP)
Middlefield Innovation Dividend ETF (MINN) formerly Global Innovation Dividend Fund (BL.UN)
Middlefield Real Estate Dividend ETF (MREL) formerly Middlefield REIT Indexplus ETF (IDR)
Middlefield REIT Indexplus ETF (IDR) Go to: Middlefield Real Estate Dividend ETF (MREL)
Middlefield Sustainable Global Dividend ETF (MDIV) formerly Global Dividend Growers Income Fund (GDG.UN)
Middlefield Sustainable Infrastructure Dividend ETF (MINF) formerly Sustainable Infrastructure Dividend Fund (INF.UN)
Middlefield U.S. Equity Dividend ETF (MUSA) formerly Middlefield American Core Dividend ETF (ACZ)
MINT Income Fund (MID.UN)
Minto Apartment REIT (MI.UN)
Moneda LatAm Corporate Bond Fund - Class A (MLD.UN)
Moneda LatAm Corporate Bond Fund - Class U
Morguard North American Residential REIT (MRG.UN)
Morguard REIT (MRT.UN)
Morneau Shepell Inc. (Morneau Sobeco Income Fund)
Mullen Group Ltd.
Mulvihill Canadian Bank Enhanced Yield ETF (CBNK)
Mulvihill Premium Yield Fund ETF (MPY)
Mulvihill U.S. Health Care Enhanced Yield ETF (XLVE)

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